Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sat What Wednesday!
This one happened to us yesterday as the we were out in the front yard with my mom. A man comes jogging down the street wearing only his running shoes and a pair of pretty short running shorts. My mom said sometihng aobut him adn then we turned away. Hunter then starts pointing and loudly saying look mom and look mama. As if thats not enough Ethan then notices him and yells from the front porch that that man is naked. I really wanted to crawl into the bush in the front yard and hide.
for more say what moments hop on over to Two Little Monkeys
Way Back Wednesday- Birthday Edition

Friday, August 21, 2009
Its getting closer!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
I dont think I've ever actually blogged about this
But I'm sure its been picked up on through my other posts and now that I did update the sidebar not too long ago.
Hunter is my starting to talk but still quiet kid because he has something called Childhood Apraxia of Speech (also called just apraxia). For those of you who don't know what this is it is basically a neuro muscular thing where his brain has problems communicating with his vocal muscles thus limiting his speech. He started speech therapy last July and at the time only had like 5 words that he could say besides his many sounds for animals and vehicles. A year later he is still severe but does communicate alot better. He has alot more words and is even using them in 2-3 word combos. All the words he does use are all one syllable besides repeating ones like papa. He did imitate yellow and purple before but being more difficult words he didn't keep them which is a common apraxic thing to do. He now calls yellow things orange because that's alot easier to say then yellow but that's a big improvement over everything being blue as it was last year.
He really only uses a couple of names and they are shortened versions such as when he talks about Ethan it comes out more like En which makes Ethan call him H sometimes. And his best friend from school last year was Bren shortened version of Brendan. He doesn't refer to himself by a name yet but rather air writes the letter H and says A because he hasn't mastered that ch sound yet.
He does have an Alternative Augmentative Communication device (AAC) which we got a couple of months ago but I have been about working with him using it. We didn't try much with signing because I wasn't sure of how to work with 2 babies on it when they were little. His first SLP did a little with it but trying to use more then one or two signs when copying her just lost him and it was hard for him to pick up new signs after he got more and help and thank you down. His OT figured that it could be his apraxia affected his hands as well which made it hard to communicate that way.
On the topic of OT he also has some sensory processing disorder (SPD) related things that might be tied in with his apraxia. He has some touch things as well as motor planning and postural control issues. He has gotten better in somewhat as far as getting his hands dirty and touching things. He will put his hands in the tub of beans at OT but wont touch the shaving cream. he actually jumped out of his chair the last time she was playing with him with the shaving cream when she patted the table and some flew towards him. For some reason he also has an aversion to pudding but will eat applesauce and yogurt. He is getting better about eating vegetables and will even eat a few different green things now.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Pod Swaddler Pattern GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
The Pod Swaddler Pattern GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Special Exposure and Way Back Wednesday!
thats Ethan with just a cuke and Hunter has one of each.
Unfortunatly despite all of Hunter's excitment over the new veggies he didnt want to try them. He wouldnt take a piece of cucumber which he will sometimes eat and I thought he ate the piece of tomato but found it later on the table. Ethan must not have been around becuase he loves tomatos and will eat them like an apple. I think the next thing I will try with Hunter will be some mayo to dip some veggies in because he is loving the mayo right now. Click on the picture below for more Special Exposure Wednesday fun.

Way back along time ago (I cant remember the year but it was many many ago before dad and aunts were born so pre 1940s probably) there was another set of twin babies in the family
I know that the two babies are my dad's twin uncles Ron and Don and I know that his dad standing behind the two ladies but I dont remember exactly who the rest of the family members are.
Now fast forward to August 1, 2009 to our family reunion held in our backyard this year and this is a picture of Ron and Don as well as Ethan and Hunter. Not only were these 2 sets here there was also an 11 year old boy and girl whose grandma is the youngest sister to R&D.
find more Way Back fun by clicking on this button below
Monday, July 20, 2009
Not My Child!

So I decided to play along with Mckmama this week as we discuss those little things that our children did not do. Some of these things are things they did not do awhile ago and some are more recent things they did not do.
My child did not yell loudly in Target that there were naked ladies on the wall nor did he loudly talk about the "old" man with a mohawk.
And I most certainly did not suddenly start looking closely at the cute skirts while he talked about the guy with the mohawk.
My child also did not try sticking items in grandma's purse and shirt at target and he most certainly did not pick up a movie off the check out belt on our way out before the cashier could scan it for the lady behind us.
My child did not come outside with his pants around his ankles and did not need his butt wiped because I was not sitting outside enjoying some drinks with friends.
My child did not pee on a tree at the park and my brother did not let him do this because the bathroom was a ways off.
Check out MckMama's blog carnival for more stories of the things that children have not done
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hunter read MckMama?

I like that he does include in his outfit the same pjs that Big Mac was wearing only difference being that he went with the pants.
I was pretty shocked that he would want to freely wear pjs that don't match. He is very adamant about not wearing mis-matched pjs 99% of the time.
We had another appointment day yesterday with Hunter having a hearing re check and Ethan having to go in to get a referral for PT. Hunter did really great he didn't even want me to go into the room with him at first. But having to wear headphones while listening to bird noises quickly got old for him and he walked out of the room with only like 5 more to go. S we will have to go back to finish them up. And Ethan's appointment was a breeze pretty much in and out after she looked at his feet and ankles and said why yes he is flat footed and pronates in. She did try saying that maybe PT wasn't the place to go to get him inserts or whatever but I made sure she realized that it was what was recommended by his OT who I think probably had more of an idea about it then her. I was just confused about why now we had to go all official and get a referral for PT when Hunter got into OT off of the recommendation after his speech eval and Ethan got into OT after Hunter's OT observed him while he joined Hunter in a couple of sessions.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Baby Pciture Sunday - Gimme Some Sugar!

I used to ahve an edited version of this photo that included the most perfect quote that now I cant remember besides something along the lines of when brothers wrestle they are really hugging

Head over to Debi's to see more sweet pictures
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Random Thoughts
Way Back When-sday! Watermelon!

They have always been big fans of watermelon. Ethan even claimed the watermelon in the garden as his. But I dont think its going to make it. I brought one home last week for the fourth though and he told me his watermelon had grown.
for even more sweet memories head on over to Twinfatuation
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Two for Two-sday - Cool Dudes

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I ♥ Faces “Spice Up Your Camera” Strap Giveaway
giveaway #1
A one-of-a-kind camera strap from Lori’s business, “Pepper: Spice Up Your Camera”!!
definitly worth checking out. I love love love the prepper and bourbon street straps.
giveaway #2
A 6-month membership to Photo Talk Forum which is set up specifically for those who want to get serious about photography.
2 very great giveaways for your chance hop on over to I ♥ Faces and check it out

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's Here!
Unfortunately there is another little boy in the house who just doesn't understand why his brother gets this new exciting toy and he doesn't get to play with it. The whole concept of that he can talk and his brother cant just doesn't make any sense to him.
Let's Hear it for the Boys!

I was going to use a picture of both boys but as I was going through pictures I ran across this one and thought it just screamed boy. This is a shot of Hunter at my grad party which was a luau after someone taught him how to lick and stick the confetti. I'm pretty sure his fingers are holding onto some pineapples.

Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm still here
took some pictures of me with the boys
been blowing lots of bubbles
and job far not much interview last month...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Our Mother's Day
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Awesome Giveaway over at Multiples...and More

this is one of my favorites that I might get her
Right now though you have the chance to win one by heading on over to Multiples...and more
Locks of Love!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Baby Picture Sunday!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Two for Two-sday!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Baby Picture Sunday!

Here's a shot from when the boys were about 20 months old. we were on a picnic at the park and decided to see what they thought about walking in the water. It really grew on them and in the end they didnt want to get out.
Check out more sunny pictures by going over to Who Says Eight is Enough
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Keep Praying!

Stellan's on the move right now on his way to Boston. Surgery is scheduled for next week once they get him weaned off the medicines. So please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pure and Simple
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He is Risen!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Baby Picture Sunday - Easter

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Way Back When-esday!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Baby Picture Sunday!

Saturday, April 4, 2009
So Excited
I got a copy of the papers Hunter's SLP sent to the company for his talker which means they have the order and it should only take about 6 weeks to get it approved from Medicaid so he should have it soon.
Only 6 weeks left till graduation. Super exciting. Got my dress and shoes. I'll have to take some pictures later because they are awesome.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Magpie Designz in the Spotlight at Mulitples...and More

and if not I have the tough desicion of which one to buy including this one

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Great Happenings in Blog Land

Way Back When-esday!
check out more pictures from days of yester year by heading on over to Twinfatuation.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Dragon and Snow
Hunter doesnt care
But Ethan's not to sure
Dont let it eat me
So we had some fun inside and out this weekend with the snow. While we waited for it to warm up a bit yesterday we made hand print lilies for Grandma since real ones arent allowed in the house because of allergies. We got the directions from Family Fun magazine but they don't seem to be online. Looks like a bunch of other Easter crafts though that we are going to have to try out.
Once we were done with that and had eaten some lunch we headed outside to play in the snow. A couple hours later there were two tired out little boys and one half built snow fort. Unfortunately the sun was out and by the end of the afternoon the front walls had fallen down.