Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Way Back When-esday!

Ethan on the left and Hunter on the right

Oct 20005

1 month old

Okay I'm guessing on the dates here but it was sometime during their first month and a half. Maybe it was still September. I don't think we actually went anywhere but just enjoyed some warm weather for a few minutes while trying out our second hand double stroller. So tiny they were and funny that they both were trying to cover their faces. This is still in the period where it was harder to tell them apart. Thank goodness they wore different clothes because the one time they wore identical outfits my mom mixed them up and made me look twice at them.

check out more pictures from days of yester year by heading on over to Twinfatuation.

1 comment:

Cheryl Lage said...

Oh Leia, look how teensy they were!

Love these glimpses into Way Back...thanks for playing along!