Baby Jesus has a Twin?

Today's picture is Hunter's work on one of the nativity's here. I guess he feels that since there are two boys that there needed to be 2 babies in the nativity. He had done it last week with a larger baby Jesus in there with the one that belongs and my mom put that one back to see if he would bring it back. He found another one though that was about the same size and fit in there better.I wasnt sure who did it so I had asked them and he said "me" and "two" so I would know that there were two babies and he made it sound like thats the way he felt it should be. So we have left his two babies in there for now. The first time he did it I had taken pictures but didnt keep those ones but I should have because there was also only two wisemen with the third one over in the buildings talking to the camel.
That is so cute!
OMGosh! How cute is that?!?
Have a very blessed holiday!
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